Orana Outlook Dinner: Building the Region Together

16 January 2023

Orana Outlook Dinner: Building the Region Together

The Orana Outlook Dinner will update business and community leaders on how the region is being transformed.

Australian Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories, the Hon Kristy McBain MP and CommSec chief economist Craig James are among the speakers at the Regional Development Australia (RDA) Orana’s annual business networking dinner set for February 20 at Lazy River Estate in Dubbo.

Mr James will interpret big-picture economic trends for the region.

A “pollies panel” will include Minister for Western NSW and Minister for Agriculture and Member for Dubbo the Hon Dugald Saunders MP;  the Hon Mark Coulton MP, Member for Parkes;  Roy Butler, Member for Barwon; and Craig Davies, Mayor of Narromine and Chair of the Western Alliance of Councils.

Key insights into the future of business, investment, housing and the workforce in the region will be presented.

The evening includes networking opportunities and a fabulous dinner with drinks.

Click here to register.


Orana Outlook Dinner Event Details
Date: 20 February 2023
Time: 5.00 - 9.30 pm
Location: Lazy River Estate, Dubbo
RSVP: www.eventbrite.com.au/e/orana-outlook-dinner-tickets-469718148627
Learn about Regional Delelopment Australia (RDA) Orana: www.rdaorana.org.au