RDA Orana hosted WA delegates on tour to Bourke & Brewarrina

07 June 2024

RDA Orana hosted WA delegates on tour to Bourke & Brewarrina

Regional Development Australia Orana (RDA Orana) hosted a delegation from the Gascoyne, Western Australia last week and visited Bourke and Brewarrina to learn first hand about Maranguka, Bourke’s successful justice reinvestment initiative.

Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation, Chair, Tracey Tonga said "Carnarvon in  Western Australia, was one of ten organisations to received Federal Government funding in April 2024 under the justice reinvestment program".

“The Federal Government has committed $79 million to supporting up to 30 community-led justice reinvestment initiatives in First Nations communities across Australia,” she said.

The delegation visited Maranguka, the first Aboriginal-led place-based model of justice reinvestment in Australia. Maranguka is a collaboration between the Bourke Tribal Council, Just Reinvest NSW and the community of Bourke, launched in 2013.

The delegation from Western Australia included:

- Gascoyne Development Commission, Principal Regional Development Officer, Kate Boston
- Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation Chair, Tracey Tonga 
- Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation Executive Director, Denise Cotterill
- National Indigenous Australians Agency, Naomi McMahon

The program aims to divert Aboriginal people away from the criminal justice system by investing in community-led initiatives that address the underlying causes of crime.

“Maranguka is a success story about how communities can work together with local police, organisations, education and health services and local government to drive local solutions and were happy to share their journey with us,” she said.

For further information contact:
RDA Orana CEO, Justine Campbell on 0409 851 488