Successful Forum Provides Regional Outlook for the Orana

23 November 2023

Successful Forum Provides Regional Outlook for the Orana

An impressive lineup of industry speakers and government representatives shared their thoughts and advice on the future of regional NSW at the recent Orana Outlook Forum.

Speaker presentations are live on our website, and you can relive the day through vibrant event photos.

Ten speakers presented to more than 105 attendees from across the Orana region discussing the theme ‘building the region together’.

Regional Development Australia (RDA) Orana CEO, Justine Campbell said the forum was a tremendous success and provided a collaborative approach for business, industry and government to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the future for the region.

“Speaker presentations focused on outlooks in energy, agriculture, transport, tourism, housing, and circular economics with a spotlight on how the NSW Government is supporting the region and investing in the future,” she said.

“It was wonderful to have the Minister for Agriculture, Regional and Western NSW, Tara Moriarty at the forum who outlined the government’s commitment to the Orana region.

“A highlight of the day was our keynote speaker, Circular Australia Managing Director and CEO, Lisa McLean who discussed sustainability through circular economics and the opportunities available to regional Australia in the circular transition by using the principles of designing waste and pollution out of the existing system, keeping products and materials in use and at their highest value, and regenerating natural ecosystems.”

Ms Campbell said feedback from the forum was extremely positive and given the support and interest in the event, RDA Orana would be hosting the third annual Orana Outlook Forum in 2024.

“While only in its second year, the Orana Outlook Forum has been incredibly well received by both presenters and attendees. Not only does the event provide an opportunity for information sharing, but also builds important collaborative networks to ensure our region continues to thrive,” she said.

“The aim of the forum was about planning for the future of our region and working together to ensure our local communities can reach their full potential.”

The event, held in Dubbo on 17 November 2023, was hosted by RDA Orana with support from major sponsor The Stable and minor sponsor EnvioScience Solutions.